изменение сведений о продукте на основе настраиваемого раскрывающегося списка продуктов

enter image description here

enter image description here

На обоих приведенных выше изображениях размер

(Двойной XL, двойной, полный и т.д.)

выбирается, и указанный выше размер продукта динамически изменяется как (39x80x12),(54x75x12).

Я попытался внести изменения в configurable.php, wrapper.phtml, renderer.phtml, а также в configurable.js, но я не смог найти решение для этого. Есть ли способ сделать возможным динамическое отображение размера на основе выпадающего списка размера?

Author: Haerriz, 2019-12-12

1 answers

Вам нужно переопределить configurable.js файл в вашей теме


 * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.
 * @api
], function ($, _, mageTemplate, $t, priceUtils, url) {
    'use strict';

    $.widget('mage.configurable', {
        options: {
            superSelector: '.super-attribute-select',
            selectSimpleProduct: '[name="selected_configurable_option"]',
            priceHolderSelector: '.price-box',
            spConfig: {},
            state: {},
            priceFormat: {},
            optionTemplate: '<%- data.label %>' +
            '<% if (typeof data.finalPrice.value !== "undefined") { %>' +
            ' <%- data.finalPrice.formatted %>' +
            '<% } %>',
            mediaGallerySelector: '[data-gallery-role=gallery-placeholder]',
            mediaGalleryInitial: null,
            slyOldPriceSelector: '.sly-old-price',
            normalPriceLabelSelector: '.normal-price .price-label',

             * Defines the mechanism of how images of a gallery should be
             * updated when user switches between configurations of a product.
             * As for now value of this option can be either 'replace' or 'prepend'.
             * @type {String}
            gallerySwitchStrategy: 'replace',
            tierPriceTemplateSelector: '#tier-prices-template',
            tierPriceBlockSelector: '[data-role="tier-price-block"]',
            tierPriceTemplate: ''

         * Creates widget
         * @private
        _create: function () {
            // Initial setting of various option values

            // Override defaults with URL query parameters and/or inputs values

            // Change events to check select reloads

            // Fill state

            // Setup child and prev/next settings

            // Setup/configure values to inputs


         * Initialize tax configuration, initial settings, and options values.
         * @private
        _initializeOptions: function () {
            var options = this.options,
                gallery = $(options.mediaGallerySelector),
                priceBoxOptions = $(this.options.priceHolderSelector).priceBox('option').priceConfig || null;

            if (priceBoxOptions && priceBoxOptions.optionTemplate) {
                options.optionTemplate = priceBoxOptions.optionTemplate;

            if (priceBoxOptions && priceBoxOptions.priceFormat) {
                options.priceFormat = priceBoxOptions.priceFormat;
            options.optionTemplate = mageTemplate(options.optionTemplate);
            options.tierPriceTemplate = $(this.options.tierPriceTemplateSelector).html();

            options.settings = options.spConfig.containerId ?
                $(options.spConfig.containerId).find(options.superSelector) :

            options.values = options.spConfig.defaultValues || {};
            options.parentImage = $('[data-role=base-image-container] img').attr('src');

            this.inputSimpleProduct = this.element.find(options.selectSimpleProduct);

            gallery.data('gallery') ?
                this._onGalleryLoaded(gallery) :
                gallery.on('gallery:loaded', this._onGalleryLoaded.bind(this, gallery));


         * Override default options values settings with either URL query parameters or
         * initialized inputs values.
         * @private
        _overrideDefaults: function () {
            var hashIndex = window.location.href.indexOf('#');

            if (hashIndex !== -1) {
                this._parseQueryParams(window.location.href.substr(hashIndex + 1));

            if (this.options.spConfig.inputsInitialized) {

         * Parse query parameters from a query string and set options values based on the
         * key value pairs of the parameters.
         * @param {*} queryString - URL query string containing query parameters.
         * @private
        _parseQueryParams: function (queryString) {
            var queryParams = $.parseQuery({
                query: queryString

            $.each(queryParams, $.proxy(function (key, value) {
                this.options.values[key] = value;
            }, this));

         * Override default options values with values based on each element's attribute
         * identifier.
         * @private
        _setValuesByAttribute: function () {
            this.options.values = {};
            $.each(this.options.settings, $.proxy(function (index, element) {
                var attributeId;

                if (element.value) {
                    attributeId = element.id.replace(/[a-z]*/, '');
                    this.options.values[attributeId] = element.value;
            }, this));

         * Set up .on('change') events for each option element to configure the option.
         * @private
        _setupChangeEvents: function () {
            $.each(this.options.settings, $.proxy(function (index, element) {
                $(element).on('change', this, this._configure);
            }, this));

         * Iterate through the option settings and set each option's element configuration,
         * attribute identifier. Set the state based on the attribute identifier.
         * @private
        _fillState: function () {
            $.each(this.options.settings, $.proxy(function (index, element) {
                var attributeId = element.id.replace(/[a-z]*/, '');

                if (attributeId && this.options.spConfig.attributes[attributeId]) {
                    element.config = this.options.spConfig.attributes[attributeId];
                    element.attributeId = attributeId;
                    this.options.state[attributeId] = false;
            }, this));

         * Set each option's child settings, and next/prev option setting. Fill (initialize)
         * an option's list of selections as needed or disable an option's setting.
         * @private
        _setChildSettings: function () {
            var childSettings = [],
                settings = this.options.settings,
                index = settings.length,

            while (index--) {
                option = settings[index];

                if (index) {
                    option.disabled = true;
                } else {

                _.extend(option, {
                    childSettings: childSettings.slice(),
                    prevSetting: settings[index - 1],
                    nextSetting: settings[index + 1]


         * Setup for all configurable option settings. Set the value of the option and configure
         * the option, which sets its state, and initializes the option's choices, etc.
         * @private
        _configureForValues: function () {
            if (this.options.values) {
                this.options.settings.each($.proxy(function (index, element) {
                    var attributeId = element.attributeId;

                    element.value = this.options.values[attributeId] || '';
                }, this));

         * Event handler for configuring an option.
         * @private
         * @param {Object} event - Event triggered to configure an option.
        _configure: function (event) {

         * Configure an option, initializing it's state and enabling related options, which
         * populates the related option's selection and resets child option selections.
         * @private
         * @param {*} element - The element associated with a configurable option.
        _configureElement: function (element) {
            this.simpleProduct = this._getSimpleProductId(element);

            if (element.value) {
                this.options.state[element.config.id] = element.value;

                if (element.nextSetting) {
                    element.nextSetting.disabled = false;
                } else {
                    if (!!document.documentMode) { //eslint-disable-line
                    } else {
            } else {

            if(this.simpleProduct) {

        _loadDescription: function (productId) {
            var data = {'productId': productId};
            var ajaxurl = url.build('description/description/index');
                showLoader: true,
                data: data,
                success: function(data) {
                    if(data.success) {
                        if($('#description .product.attribute.description').length){
                            if ($("body").hasClass("catalog-product-view")) {
                                $('#description .product.attribute.description .value').html(data.description);

         * Change displayed product image according to chosen options of configurable product
         * @private
        _changeProductImage: function () {
            var images,
                initialImages = this.options.mediaGalleryInitial,
                galleryObject = $(this.options.mediaGallerySelector).data('gallery');

            if (!galleryObject) {

            images = this.options.spConfig.images[this.simpleProduct];

            if (images) {
                images = this._sortImages(images);

                if (this.options.gallerySwitchStrategy === 'prepend') {
                    images = images.concat(initialImages);

                images = $.extend(true, [], images);
                images = this._setImageIndex(images);


                    selectedOption: this.simpleProduct,
                    dataMergeStrategy: this.options.gallerySwitchStrategy
            } else {


         * Sorting images array
         * @private
        _sortImages: function (images) {
            return _.sortBy(images, function (image) {
                return image.position;

         * Set correct indexes for image set.
         * @param {Array} images
         * @private
        _setImageIndex: function (images) {
            var length = images.length,

            for (i = 0; length > i; i++) {
                images[i].i = i + 1;

            return images;

         * For a given option element, reset all of its selectable options. Clear any selected
         * index, disable the option choice, and reset the option's state if necessary.
         * @private
         * @param {*} element - The element associated with a configurable option.
        _resetChildren: function (element) {
            if (element.childSettings) {
                _.each(element.childSettings, function (set) {
                    set.selectedIndex = 0;
                    set.disabled = true;

                if (element.config) {
                    this.options.state[element.config.id] = false;

         * Populates an option's selectable choices.
         * @private
         * @param {*} element - Element associated with a configurable option.
        _fillSelect: function (element) {
            var attributeId = element.id.replace(/[a-z]*/, ''),
                options = this._getAttributeOptions(attributeId),
                index = 1,
                basePrice = parseFloat(this.options.spConfig.prices.basePrice.amount),
                optionPrices = this.options.spConfig.optionPrices,

            element.options[0] = new Option('', '');
            element.options[0].innerHTML = this.options.spConfig.chooseText;
            prevConfig = false;

            if (element.prevSetting) {
                prevConfig = element.prevSetting.options[element.prevSetting.selectedIndex];

            if (options) {
                for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
                    allowedProducts = [];
                    optionPriceDiff = 0;

                    /* eslint-disable max-depth */
                    if (prevConfig) {
                        for (j = 0; j < options[i].products.length; j++) {
                            // prevConfig.config can be undefined
                            if (prevConfig.config &&
                                prevConfig.config.allowedProducts &&
                                prevConfig.config.allowedProducts.indexOf(options[i].products[j]) > -1) {
                    } else {
                        allowedProducts = options[i].products.slice(0);

                        if (typeof allowedProducts[0] !== 'undefined' &&
                            typeof optionPrices[allowedProducts[0]] !== 'undefined') {
                            allowedProductMinPrice = this._getAllowedProductWithMinPrice(allowedProducts);
                            optionFinalPrice = parseFloat(optionPrices[allowedProductMinPrice].finalPrice.amount);
                            optionPriceDiff = optionFinalPrice - basePrice;

                            if (optionPriceDiff !== 0) {
                                options[i].label = options[i].label + ' ' + priceUtils.formatPrice(

                    if (allowedProducts.length > 0) {
                        options[i].allowedProducts = allowedProducts;
                        element.options[index] = new Option(this._getOptionLabel(options[i]), options[i].id);

                        if (typeof options[i].price !== 'undefined') {
                            element.options[index].setAttribute('price', options[i].price);

                        element.options[index].config = options[i];

                    /* eslint-enable max-depth */

         * Generate the label associated with a configurable option. This includes the option's
         * label or value and the option's price.
         * @private
         * @param {*} option - A single choice among a group of choices for a configurable option.
         * @return {String} The option label with option value and price (e.g. Black +1.99)
        _getOptionLabel: function (option) {
            return option.label;

         * Removes an option's selections.
         * @private
         * @param {*} element - The element associated with a configurable option.
        _clearSelect: function (element) {
            var i;

            for (i = element.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

         * Retrieve the attribute options associated with a specific attribute Id.
         * @private
         * @param {Number} attributeId - The id of the attribute whose configurable options are sought.
         * @return {Object} Object containing the attribute options.
        _getAttributeOptions: function (attributeId) {
            if (this.options.spConfig.attributes[attributeId]) {
                return this.options.spConfig.attributes[attributeId].options;

         * Reload the price of the configurable product incorporating the prices of all of the
         * configurable product's option selections.
        _reloadPrice: function () {
            $(this.options.priceHolderSelector).trigger('updatePrice', this._getPrices());

         * Get product various prices
         * @returns {{}}
         * @private
        _getPrices: function () {
            var prices = {},
                elements = _.toArray(this.options.settings),

            _.each(elements, function (element) {
                var selected = element.options[element.selectedIndex],
                    config = selected && selected.config,
                    priceValue = {};

                if (config && config.allowedProducts.length === 1) {
                    priceValue = this._calculatePrice(config);
                } else if (element.value) {
                    allowedProduct = this._getAllowedProductWithMinPrice(config.allowedProducts);
                    priceValue = this._calculatePrice({
                        'allowedProducts': [

                if (!_.isEmpty(priceValue)) {
                    prices.prices = priceValue;
            }, this);

            return prices;

         * Get product with minimum price from selected options.
         * @param {Array} allowedProducts
         * @returns {String}
         * @private
        _getAllowedProductWithMinPrice: function (allowedProducts) {
            var optionPrices = this.options.spConfig.optionPrices,
                product = {},
                optionMinPrice, optionFinalPrice;

            _.each(allowedProducts, function (allowedProduct) {
                optionFinalPrice = parseFloat(optionPrices[allowedProduct].finalPrice.amount);

                if (_.isEmpty(product) || optionFinalPrice < optionMinPrice) {
                    optionMinPrice = optionFinalPrice;
                    product = allowedProduct;
            }, this);

            return product;

         * Returns prices for configured products
         * @param {*} config - Products configuration
         * @returns {*}
         * @private
        _calculatePrice: function (config) {
            var displayPrices = $(this.options.priceHolderSelector).priceBox('option').prices,
                newPrices = this.options.spConfig.optionPrices[_.first(config.allowedProducts)];

            _.each(displayPrices, function (price, code) {
                if (newPrices[code]) {
                    displayPrices[code].amount = newPrices[code].amount - displayPrices[code].amount;

            return displayPrices;

         * Returns Simple product Id
         *  depending on current selected option.
         * @private
         * @param {HTMLElement} element
         * @returns {String|undefined}
        _getSimpleProductId: function (element) {
            // TODO: Rewrite algorithm. It should return ID of
            //        simple product based on selected options.
            var allOptions = element.config.options,
                value = element.value,

            config = _.filter(allOptions, function (option) {
                return option.id === value;
            config = _.first(config);

            return _.isEmpty(config) ?
                undefined :


         * Show or hide regular price block
         * @param {*} optionId
         * @private
        _displayRegularPriceBlock: function (optionId) {
            var shouldBeShown = true;

            _.each(this.options.settings, function (element) {
                if (element.value === '') {
                    shouldBeShown = false;

            if (shouldBeShown &&
                this.options.spConfig.optionPrices[optionId].oldPrice.amount !==
            ) {
            } else {


         * Show or hide normal price label
         * @private
        _displayNormalPriceLabel: function () {
            var shouldBeShown = false;

            _.each(this.options.settings, function (element) {
                if (element.value === '') {
                    shouldBeShown = true;

            if (shouldBeShown) {
            } else {

         * Callback which fired after gallery gets initialized.
         * @param {HTMLElement} element - DOM element associated with gallery.
        _onGalleryLoaded: function (element) {
            var galleryObject = element.data('gallery');

            this.options.mediaGalleryInitial = galleryObject.returnCurrentImages();

         * Show or hide tier price block
         * @param {*} optionId
         * @private
        _displayTierPriceBlock: function (optionId) {
            var options, tierPriceHtml;

            if (typeof optionId != 'undefined' &&
                this.options.spConfig.optionPrices[optionId].tierPrices != [] // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
            ) {
                options = this.options.spConfig.optionPrices[optionId];

                if (this.options.tierPriceTemplate) {
                    tierPriceHtml = mageTemplate(this.options.tierPriceTemplate, {
                        'tierPrices': options.tierPrices,
                        '$t': $t,
                        'currencyFormat': this.options.spConfig.currencyFormat,
                        'priceUtils': priceUtils
            } else {

    return $.mage.configurable;

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Author: Naresh Rupareliya, 2019-12-12 13:45:51